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6 Reasons Why Designers Shouldn’t Neglect Tech

Technology has a tendency to encourage change quicker these days. It is odd to believe that only two years back automobiles had outstretched antennas to be given a weak FM radio signal (provided that you were not anywhere near a tunnel). Now, people are in a race for technology companies to launch the first capable self-driving cars on the streets.

The winds of change have started to pervade the interior design sector as well in the last few years, with both interior and external designers needing to evolve and adapt to unique requirements and criteria for offices big and small, homes rural or urban and the hotel industry whether that be waterfront accommodation or a ski lodge. So, the struggle is real for interior designers to adapt to engineering and technology innovations and avoid any uncertainty or complacency when it comes to adapting modern improvements so as not be left behind completely. Listed below are just six of the most influential technological improvements that could result in negligent designers being left at the pack of the pack.

  1. Smart-Homes

There are many interpretations of this smart-home which can be found on the market. Designated phone apps may control a room’s lighting, and heating in the touch of a button, even while voice-activated services such as Google Home and Amazon’s Echo have the capacity to control the facilities of your home without you having to lift a finger.

The consequences of smart-homes for interior designers are significant, whether they be telling a story in a home or designing a storytelling hotel. Designers need to ensure they make room for smart light switches and thermostats while creating the technologies that controls the space reachable by voice or hand.

Interior designers should also consider the execution of smart items. Integrated kitchen worktops are made to seamlessly encase oven hobs and descend into a flat stone surface. It’s cutting edge, radical, and has the capability to control a design plan entirely.

  1. Tiny House Movement

Moving away from the ramifications of neglecting the numerous innovative technologies that may significantly enhance the output of interior designers, we’ve got the trend that could affect the way houses are made in the long run.

The small home trend has increased momentum as a result of increasing home prices and living costs, in addition for a recognisable requirement to become environmentally friendly and sustainable.

With the trend generally resulting in more compact houses, typically measuring less than 37 square yards, interior designers face a fresh challenge in overcoming the barrier of producing a visually attractive, fully working space that is extremely streamlined.

Due to having such a little canvas and such a large emphasis on smart technologies to maintain the diminishing living spaces feeling as big as you can, the onus is on the designers to become more imaginative with a distinct lack of room.

  1. Virtual Reality

Virtual reality (VR) is the most well-known item of technology on this list. VR has been in the minds of video-players for decades and today it is finally starting to make the transition into the interior design industry also.

To disregard the possibilities that virtual reality brings to the table is a big faux pas due to the advantages inside designers may gain using the technology.

The impact that VR can make to the interior design market is immeasurable. Imagine walking a customer through a digitally virtual room with your entire design all representing the end product. You can point out different nuances of your design in an immersive manner that gives you an advantage on competing designers also vying for attention. It can also let you know if external objects like trees will impact a view and indicate whether or not you will need to consult a tree removal service.

  1. Augmented Reality

Augmented reality (AR) is a great facility that helps interior designers visualise a space due to 3D renderings of furnishings and interior decorating which may be embedded into an existing space through the function of a device’s camera.

As well as giving visual support during the design process, augmented reality’s true renderings mean it is an excellent tool for quantifying out specified spaces for things easily.

With the ever-increasing usability of AR, it might be a deterrent for interior designers to dismiss the potential of placing objects inside their spaces to compute the fit and functionality.

  1. 3D Printing

The cost-effective simplicity and exceptional intricacy of design provided by 3D printing have led some to think that a new industrial revolution is just around the corner.

Even though we might be some time away from 3D printers becoming the leaders in furniture production, the convenience innovations made possible by the technology cannot be dismissed.

Interior designers are now able to use this technology to construct fast prototypes of the designs for customers to sample and supply feedback, in addition to producing exceptionally innovative structures that its obsolete counterparts could not dream of piecing together.

3D Printers are a fantasy for interior designers. The ease of their output signifies that custom layouts are simple to design and create, thus customers can find a room designed for their precise specifications, without having to deal with some third party.

  1. Green Homes

Growing ecological concerns coupled with creating technology behind renewable energy has provided an emphasis on producing green interior layouts.

Having a house’s electricals attached to renewable energy resources need to be accounted for, whereas organic lighting sources may require more focus as green households seem to lessen the usage of artificial lighting.

There’s a higher on eco-friendly materials. Bamboo, by way of instance, is quite environmentally friendly, as is laminated hardwood floors. As a result, the recycling of tree wood furniture has increased.

Internal technologies such as eco water heaters need to be taken into consideration within layouts, while things such as solar panels, will have to be connected to applicable devices effortlessly within the design of a room.